So, Mr. Appliance Repairman came today to fix the dang thing. Sadly. Now that it's fixed, I am willing to admit that I was secretly hoping it would be beyond repair so that I could get one of those fancy-shmancy,new fangled front loader machines like my rich sister has. No such luck.
It's a Whirlpool. Dang thing will probably last forever. (And if any of you are considering a career change, Mr. Appliance Repairman makes $72/hour!!)
Don't ya hate that?!?!? Yep, I am secretly hoping ours will die someday too - they are both almost 15 years old- Kenmore's take a lickin' and keep on tickin'!! Glad it got fixed though!!!
RICH!! Only in my dreams. But I do love my front loader. I did 5 HUGE loads today in record time. AND it is all folded and put away. If only the dryer did that too.
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