
The Things of Spring

Fall and winter are still my two favorite seasons. But it has been so beautiful here for the past few days that I am actually feeling partial to spring. Aside from Brooke's terrible allergies and my watering eyes (I actually had to buy Claritin for myself--first time in my life!), it has been lovely. Here are some of the fun "spring things" we've been enjoying for the past few days.
  • Fresh fruit instead of veggies for dinner. Yum!! The strawberries have been sooo good this year!
  • Little boys playing catch with daddy out in the newly cut grass.
  • Sidewalk chalk messages on the driveway welcoming me home.
  • Tulips--I LOVE them and wish they lasted longer!
  • Lilacs--I LOVE them too!
  • My cherry blossom Bath and Body works goodies. Has to be cherry blossom or mandarin orange for spring/summer and sensual amber or vanilla for fall/winter. Just because I'm weird that way.
  • Open windows at night--I love to sleep with the windows open on warm nights.
  • Chicken and hamburgers on the grill! We grill occasionally during the winter, but it just doesn't taste quite the same.
  • Tanned faces and backs. All of our kids were blessed with Jeff's skin, and it only takes a short time in the sun before they have a good start on their tans.
  • Bikes and skateboards and balls filling the garage while the car is displaced to the cul-de-sac for another summer.
  • Twenty-nine days until homework and lunchmaking end for another year.
  • My "Clean Cotton" Yankee Candle. I know it will come as no surprise that I'm weird about my seasons and candle scents too. Has to be clean cotton or cucumber-melon for spring/summer and home-sweet-home or cinnamon for fall/winter. Some people change their bedspreads for the season; I just change my scents!
  • Orange Creamsicles and ice cream sandwiches for dessert! Yum!
I hope your spring has been beautiful and enjoyable (and sweet-smelling and sweet-tasting) too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your list! Our spring has been great, too! It is just so nice to see all the GREEN everywhere again!!!