We had a beautiful day, even a little on the cool side, but that didn't stop us from enjoying the new water park and all the rides. We found out that Payton is the daredevil in the family--he rode every single ride, except for one. He even rode the Super Dooper Looper but I couldn't talk him into buying the tee shirt! I myself even rode a roller coaster--not once, not twice, but three times! (Everyone in my family should be very proud of me!) Although I would have been perfectly happy taking the Chocolate World tour over and over again. You know, because they give you a candy bar on the way out and it smells sooo good in there!?!?!
In addition to having a blast, we saw some interesting "sites". If you are a people-watcher (like me), amusement parks are prime people-watching venues. Especially amusement parks with water parks where people are permitted to walk around in all manner of "swimwear". I did determine a few things while people-watching on Thursday.
- The Secretary of Health and Human Services should pass a law requiring bras (real bras, not just linings) in ALL swimsuits. It would be healthier for the wearer and a service to all humans.
- No one larger than a size 2 should be allowed to wear anything emblazoned on their rear end. (We don't allow our girls to wear any words on their bums, but something about a very overweight woman wearing tight shorts that exclaim "Hottie" across her buns just turns my stomach.)
- Speedos are just wrong. There's no other way to say it.
- Women who don't believe in wearing pants (for whatever reason) should be banned from amusement parks. I'm sorry. I respect their beliefs but amusement parks cannot be "done" in a skirt or dress. If I'd had my camera, I could show you proof of this!
- There are parents who name their daughters things like "Amarylis" and "Casio".
- What Not to Hair (hair edition)
- What Not to Bare (swimsuit edition)
Sawyer, Payton, and Sydney in the "Chocolate World" Store. It was amazing!!
You are cracking me up over here!!! I totally agree - but it makes me laugh because I've seen it too!!! Looks like a fun day!
it was that peer pressure (from ME!) who got you on that roller coaster!!
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