Really. It's for a good cause. For the past three years, Brooke has been battling some sort of skin condition. We have been to the dermatologist and allergist and pediatrician more times than I can count. We have tried every cream, steroid creme, and steroid there is. I wish I had the money we've spent on moisturizers, face washes, soaps, testing, prescriptions, etc. But, so far, all of this has not made one bit of difference. One doctor says she's allergic to dust, another says it's excema. We have invested in air purifiers, hypoallergenic bedding, and "organic" makeup. All to no avail. It's been ridiculous.
For the last few months, I have been reading about skin allergies on the internet and found that often food allergies cause skin reactions. So, today we went to the allergist for some food testing. I was not encouraged when his first statement was "I can test her if you want me to, but she doesn't have any food allergies. It's not going to make any difference but since you're here, we can do it." I stood my ground and asked for her to be tested.
Half an hour later, the results were in. Just for the record, the doctor was wrong. Brooke is allergic to:
soy, peanuts, all tree nuts, carrots, celery, navy/lima beans, and peas.
I have never heard of being allergic to vegetables but Brooke really is. And, don't I feel like the mother of the year? She has been allergic to all these things and I had NO idea. She is pretty much resigned to eating white bread and broccoli for the rest of her life. No more Almond Joys or Snickers or Reese's Cups or peanut butter and fluff sandwiches or sunflower seeds. And, how disappointed Brooke is that she can't partake of grammy's lima bean casserole at christmas dinner this year! :-) NOT!!
Never a dull moment at the VeStrands.........
Oh Brooke, The lima beans will have to go aside, but I do have a great Spinach Souffle Recipe. Hopefully this will turn the tables and everything will all clear up. Love, Grammy
A legitimate way to get out of eating veggies - I like it!!!! LOL :-P
I will eat her portion of the lima bean casserole. I'm sure Dad would be willing to help also.
Oh - that is a bummer - Micah is also allergic to many of those AND CORN - yes, corn, in IOWA - that is NOT GOOD!!! Hang in there - it does work - after you get the hang of it!!
Awww, Brooke i'm so sorry, really i am hun peanuts and veggies?! jeez. If it makes you feel better i'm allergic to grass, old-new-fresh cut-or still in the ground it makes no difference, i get ichy, blochy, sneezy, and tired (now what were those other dwarves names?:P)
So technically your allergic to things produced in nature and i nature itself. Alas for our febel mortal bodies that plague us in this world.
~Good Luck hun,
Jacqueline C.
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