I've been loathe to admit it so far this year, but today there is cause for celebration!!!! We are Dolphins fans in our house, and today, after 13 very long and disappointing weeks, the Miami Dolphins WON!!!!!!!! They really won. It was an overtime heart-stopper, but at the end of the game, they had more points than the other guys! My husband is soo happy. Tomorrow he will be wearing his Dolphins jersey proudly and giving the kids a homework-free night to celebrate! (One of his students just called to congratulate him!)
And the victory is even sweeter because they beat the hometown team--the RAVENS!
Ahhh-the joy of victory after knowing the agony of defeat for too many weeks.
and the chiefs lost - again.
and so did the Bills......to the Browns no less =( although dad is doing the happy dance....Congrat's on the win guys!!
Go Colts - an old home town team.
Go Colts!! I was happy to see the Dolphins win, also. We are enjoying the wave of success while it lasts here in Indy. Down with the Patriots! (the football team, that is)
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