
In the meantime...

Just a warning that things may be slow around here for a week or two. The "pandemonium" is in full swing as we spackle, sand, paint, patch, touch up, and otherwise prepare the house for market. As such, I can assure you it's far from peaceful around here!

But, because I care about my faithful readers and would never want to leave you without some good reading, go here. I heard about this blog on another blog that I read. Their testimony of God's faithfulness and their trust in Him is amazing. Be sure to go back and read the archives a bit so you get the full story!

We'll be back soon. After we get the paint out of our hair............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen, I just love reading your blogs and keeping up with your family! Moving again? What a chore! Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Sherri