
Day 58

I have NOTHING. Not one thing of significance to report. My parents are headed down here to go to Brooke's spring concert and Sydney's sports banquet tonight, and it's been a busy day. I'm sorry. Any thing you want me to write about? Any questions I can answer? Any wisdom I can impart?? (ha ha) See you tomorrow. Hopefully with something a little more exciting than this!


The Thomsons said...

Dying to catch up with you. Do call again tomorrow afternoon! I just caught up (sort of) with your blog, too, and downloaded the Driscoll sermons you talked about. My interest is piqued by his being a reformed guy. Hopefully I'll get a chance to listen soon. Have a good one! Kim

The Thomsons said...

That is my problem 99.9% of the time...

Kari said...

some wisdom to impart?? hmmmm...where were you when we were driving home from school and the boys asked," if shawnee doesnt have a soul, then where is she right now?"
yep, that was fun! ;)
our dear girl will be missed. they are already talking about what kind of dog we should get next. i suggested 'invisible'. :) haha..thanks again for checking on me. it was very sweet! have fun tonight.

Kathi Roach said...

Hang in there girl!