
The (boring) dog days of summer.....

Evidently, in spite of my valiant attempts, boredom still reigns in our house. Yesterday, Sawyer decided to write a note to his school friend, who he hasn't seen since school ended. I intercepted it on the way to the mailbox. It reads as follows, in all its misspelled glory:

Dear C:

My summer has been boring. I have nothing to do. I haven't got sick, witch means I've been borad. And since we'll see each other soon, I wanted to see how you were doing. I bet your summer is boring to. Write back.
P.S. I'm inviteing you to my birthday.

I had a few thoughts as I read this note. First of all, I'm not sure if it's good or bad that, evidently, being sick in our house counts as "exciting". Secondly, Sawyer has apparently neglected to remember that he isn't having a birthday party this year. (Parties in our house only happen in years 5, 10, and 16, and he is none of the above.) Finally, Sawyer isn't content to be bored on his own; he's pushing his boredom on his friends and classmates now too.

I give up..........


Karen in Florida said...

You are so funny and I love this note. Save it for the future, cause it will mean even more then than now!
I love reading your blog - don't comment much but I read it pretty much every few days. I enjoy you a lot. If I ever find the time, I'd love to set up a blog as well. What an awesome concept.

It is hard to believe that Brooke is 16... time truly flies.
Karen (in FL from the PW list)

Anonymous said...

Tell Sawyer he can come vist me if he wants. It might be less boring here.

Kathi Roach said...

Ha! That is so cute! Glad you got to see it....it's a keeper for sure.

Rachel said...

That picture is so funny. It's so fun to see how kids spell things; it's soo adorable...

Anonymous said...

Despite spending 3 days at the lake - my kids are "borad" "to" and they haven't even been sick, either.


ps - save Brooke for Taylor not that "other" boy!! =]