Today, my dear readers, you are privy to a miracle of no small proportion. Do you see the little green tomatoes growing on that there plant? Not such a big deal, you say....lots of people grow tomatoes. Well, yes, you would be right. However, the true miracle is that that there tomato plant is growing, reproducing, and photosynthesizing right on MY VERY OWN back porch!!!!! Hallelujah!
You see, to say I don't have a green thumb would be a gross understatement. My thumb is as far from green as a thumb can possibly get. In fact, I am quite certain I have killed more potential plant life than locusts and dust bowls combined.
But, this year, spurred on by the high price of tomatoes and the infamous "Summer of Salmonella", I decided to give containers a try. How hard could it be, really? So I bought the plants, and I bought the containers, and I bought the potting soil (who knew DIRT would be so expensive??) and there you have it. We are going to have fresh tomatoes very soon! I had great aspirations of trying cucumbers too but that never panned out. Maybe next year.......I don't want to jinx myself.
So - THAT'S where my tomatoes have gone!! After several years of successful "potted" tomatoes, I have lovely green plants - that's all - no flowers, no green tomatoes - just large green plants. I'm having to buy my tomatoes at the grocery store (yuk!) I'm trying green beans and sugar peas this year - trellising them around my porch - looks good - again, no buds, no beans/peas. Oh well. We've been very wet and cool here - maybe in August!
Yay! Hoping you have some delicious tomatoes very soon! Your plant looks GREAT! We tried that one year, and we did get a few good tomatoes and also some jalapeno peppers :)
That's so fun! I love eating stuff home-grown!
Woo hoo! I have to confess I am probably worse than you at killing plants. My mother-in-law gave up on me years ago. She can grow anything and had hopes I might be able to "learn." Hope you enjoy those tomatoes. Denise
yum! salsa anyone! :)
wow jen...I'm very impressed! next thing you know you'll be scrapbooking!....well maybe not
Oh! I love tomatoes!!! I have yet to grow my own, so I am definitely impressed :)
You go girl! Good luck....from one 'black thumb' to another. You'll have to show us a ripe one, once you get one.
Welcome to the world of "farming", next thing you know you will want to plow up some land and really go to town. Interested in a John Deere?
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