Look what was hand-delivered to my home this morning before 8 a.m.! Two pounds of chocolate from here. Now, if you combine all that yummy, irresistible chocolate with the fact that.......
- The buyers are being royal pains in the neck
- The sellers are being even bigger pains in the neck
- I have spent most of the morning so far on the phone with the phone company, cable company, internet company, and cell phone company.......
- I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon.
To explain WHY the candy was delivered: when we first moved into our home (next to the cemetery, remember??? like anyone could ever forget!) six years ago, the kids were outside playing one afternoon and a woman came up with a watering can and asked if she could fill it from our outside spigot. Of course, I said sure and told her to feel free to get water whenever she needed it. Apparently, the spigot at the cemetery is not always reliable.
So, over the past six years, we have gotten to know Josette. She lost her daughter, Erica, to meningitis when she was a student at Towson University. Josette tends Erica's grave very carefully each year, and we have been happy to let her use our outside spigot. She has been gracious enough to bring us yummy desserts from time to time as a way of saying thanks.
Last week, I saw her at Erica's grave and went out to let her know that we were moving. She cried and hugged me and told me how much our kindness had meant to her. I was very touched. Then, this morning, she showed up at my back door with more goodies and more tears and hugs.
I am so thankful that we've had a small part in showing Christ's love to Josette--even if it has only been through our outside water spigot! I remember well my own parents giving to others many times when I was young, and those memories have made a big impression on me. Hopefully, our own kids have seen that it's better to give than to receive and our short relationship with Josette has shown them that often our christ-like actions speak much louder than any words ever could.
that's so sweet!
Chocolate is good medicine when you are in stress and chaos overload...it sounds like Josette had excellent timing!
(I'm just impressed that you managed to snap a photo while there was still some chocolate LEFT in the box!!!) (-;
Awww, what a great testimony you and your family have been to Josette. Enjoy the chocolate! I hope things with your buyers/sellers work out before the chocolate is all gone. :-)
Jen, that's really awesome. And that chocolate looks amazing, even over cyberspace. Looking forward to the new influences you'll have on folks in your new neighborhood! (It will happen!)
Karen in FL
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