100 Things About Me (in no particular order)
- I am the oldest (and most loved) of four children.
- I HATE my given middle name. (My apologies to all the "Robins" of the world.)
- I am related to Molly Pitcher.
- I am distantly related to Kelsey Grammer.
- I can sing. (and I'm humble!)
- I won a national singing competition when I was a senior in high school.
- I work best under pressure.
- I HATE clutter.
- I am a perfectionist.
- I love Big Macs.
- I had four children with no epidurals.
- The above is quite a feat, considering my last child weighed 9 pounds, 11 ounces!
- Jeff and I dated only six weeks before he asked for my dad's permission to marry me.
- Jeff and I had our first kiss at a McDonald's in Sydney, Australia.
- Our daughter is named Sydney because we fell in love in Australia.
- I have nice handwriting.
- I drive a dark green 2005 Toyota Sienna minivan. I LOVE it.
- I have never been to Disney World. (My parents took the rest of the family when I was a sophomore in college. I'm still bitter about that.)
- I am addicted to Rubbermaid containers and my Dymo label maker.
- I was married before I knew that Stevie Nicks was a woman and Alice Cooper was a man.
- I was not allowed to watch "Happy Days" as a child because they danced on that show.
- I wore a dress every single day for 13 years of private school and 4 years of private college.
- I took private voice lessons for nine years.
- I played basketball for six years in high school.
- I broke my nose twice in one month playing basketball in high school.
- When I was nine, I got lost in French Creek State Park for four hours with a friend.
- I fainted in the middle of the mall right after I got my ears pierced at the age of 16.
- I have the most handsome, best husband in the world.
- I have four beautiful and energetic kids.
- I HATE to call babysitters. Jeff always does it.
- Grand Rapids, Michigan, is my favorite place we've ever lived.
- My two sisters are my best friends.
- I now know there is hope for my own girls to be best friends someday!
- I was 17 weeks pregnant with my boys before we told anyone.
- I lied about my actual due date with my last three kids so people wouldn't bug me.
- I lied and told people we didn't know what we were having even though we knew both boys were going to be boys.
- I made up fake baby names to tell people when they asked so I didn't have to worry about their reactions.
- After reading the last three, I think I have issues with honesty.
- I was a model on a box of Graco children's furniture when I was three.
- Like mother, like daughter--Brooke was a model in a Graco catalog when she was one.
- I am not afraid to speak in public.
- When I am nervous, I break out in horrendous and unfortunately noticeable hives all over my neck and upper body.
- I had blood poisoning from a spider bite when I was 15.
- When riding with a group of people, I prefer to be the driver.
- I am a proud Republican.
- I love to watch/listen to Mike and Mike in the Morning on ESPN.
- My iPod contains mostly sermons. (Pastor Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church in Seattle is my favorite!)
- I could be a member of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution).
- I passed Algebra 1 with a 70 and then switched to Accounting.
- My favorite Yankee Candle scent is "Home Sweet Home" in the fall/winter and "Clean Cotton" in the spring/summer.
- I have a Bachelor of Arts in English/Professional Writing from Cedarville University.
- I have NO patience for spelling and grammar mistakes. My biggest pet peeves: lead for led, advise for advice, and your for you're.
- I love Diet Mountain Dew.
- I love to watch NASCAR races.
- I keep in touch regularly with my good friends from high school.
- I don't worry. I plan for the worst.
- I can't play any instruments.
- I hate my fair skin.
- I wish I were shorter.
- I love snow and winter.
- Tulips are my favorite flower.
- I love conservative talk radio--Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Dave Ramsey.
- I rarely listen to any music.
- My current favorite perfume is Mademoiselle by Chanel.
- I don't like cereal.
- I love to read, mostly fiction but never "christian fiction".
- I love rain.
- I do not enjoy most fruits and vegetables.
- I don't like any hot drinks.
- I have a sarcastic sense of humor and a quick wit.
- I hate milk. It's just gross.
- I have an oval-shaped diamond engagement ring.
- My favorite class in college was "History of the English Language".
- Baskin-Robbins rocky road is my favorite ice cream.
- I am a terrible photographer.
- I am punctual, and I think everyone else should be too.
- I would have a lot of gray hair if I didn't color it regularly.
- I do not currently nor do I ever want to scrapbook.
- I grind my teeth horribly at night.
- I don't save anything--not bill stubs, not children's artwork, not leftover food. This has come back to bite me a few times.
- I love HGTV, TLC, and the Discovery Health Channel.
- I am my in-law's favorite daughter-in-law. (Never mind that I am the ONLY daughter-in-law.)
- I am a fifth-generation Christian.
- I check my e-mail about 100 times a day.
- After I was married, I had a 4.0 GPA my entire senior year of college.
- I love chocolate. Hershey's is my favorite.
- I cannot/will not open my eyes under water.
- I've had kidney stones twice. I would rather have more children with no drugs than have kidney stones again.
- All of my children regularly slept 12 hours a night by nine weeks of age.
- I love filet mignon, cooked medium rare.
- My husband says I know more about professional football than the average wife.
- Jeff and I sang twice in our own wedding.
- I hate Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and other science fiction/fantasy.
- Chicago is my favorite city, and I get to visit there every year with three dear friends.
- I cannot stand to hear people clip their fingernails or toenails.
- I will buy only Downy April Fresh scent fabric softener--no matter the cost.
- When we were traveling in Australia, our team got to sing in the Sydney Opera House.
- We have moved eight times and lived in four different states in our 19 years of marriage.
- I wish I could stand to let my hair grow.
- I'm glad this is over! It was hard.
It may have been hard but very informative!!!! Someday I may tackle that one!!
I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Thanks for sharing, but I could think of a few more for you to add.
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