Jen's Picks
- New Jersey--armpit of the nation, hands down, no contest.
- Texas--I do have some dear friends there, but I have to choose this out of loyalty to the University of Oklahoma Sooners and my dear daddy.
- California--too many liberals.
- New Jersey--because the Jets and the Giants play there.
- Arizona--because it's too freakin' hot there and it already has a big hole in it anyway.
- Rhode Island--does anyone really live in Rhode Island? Do they even have a downtown?
Gosh, that's tough. I can think of something good about most of them. The New Jersey shore is pretty nice in places. Love the ocean. Plus that's where I was born, and where would you be then? Mississippi might be on the list, North Dakota, but I can't in good conscience get rid of anyplace where it snows. Arkansas would be #1, because of Bill and Hillary.
I agree with Mom. This is a tough one. My choices would be
1. Delaware, because.... well, it's Delaware. The other armpit of the U.S.
2. Loisianna... too hard to spell. (yes, I did that on purpose for all you spell checkers, myself included.)
3. Maine... too cold, and I am becoming very anti-winter after living in Michigan for 11 years. Sorry, Mom.
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