This after- noon I was making Christmas cookies and having my yearly wrestling match with my cookie press. (If anyone has one that actually works without requiring herculean effort, I would love to know about it!) The cookies were not turning out the way I had hoped, and as I was bemoaning their shape, I commented "Well, they won't look beautiful but they'll taste good."
Sawyer, who was taking his cookie decorating duties very seriously, looked up and said "It doesn't matter mom because YOU are beautiful." I love that kid!
awwwww...how sweet! Don't ya just love moments like that? I have a Pampered Chef cookie spritzer and LOVE the thing!
Awwww! We've got a "Cookie Master Plus" from Wilton. Our trees look like yours though! :-) It takes 4 AA batteries and all you have to do is push a button!
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