So, in honor of his ninth birthday, here are nine interesting facts/special things about Sawyer Christian.
- Sawyer is our most laid back child. Not sure if that's because he was the last to join our crazy family or what, but we are very thankful that at least one of our kids got Jeff's personality!
- Sawyer is our only blonde-haired child, and we are hoping he stays that way! He has his Grandpa VeStrand and his Swedish heritage to thank for his beautiful blonde hair!
- Sawyer has a great sense of humor! He is very witty and loves to make people laugh. Sometimes, this is not such a great thing--just ask his teachers!
- Sawyer is my "snuggliest" child. He has always loved to be held or sit on my lap. Even now, he will gladly grab my hand or give me a kiss on the cheek as he walks by. I am enjoying that while it lasts because I know it will end all too soon. Jeff says he is a "mama's boy" and that's fine with me!
- Sawyer shares his birthday with his Grandpop Lenhart! (Happy Birthday Daddy!) We were very excited when he decided to arrive on September 24. Not surprisingly, Grandpop had to hear the good news in a Kentucky hotel where he was staying for a college football game.
- Sawyer is a sports fanatic! He dutifully follows his fantasy sports teams, professional baseball, professional and college football, and even NASCAR! He gets his love of all sports (except NASCAR) from Grandpop Lenhart and has even convinced Jeff that baseball isn't all that boring! Sawyer was my loyal Olympic-viewing buddy this summer. We had great fun watching them together.
- Sawyer is a great athlete and an excellent student! His first love is football but basketball is a close second, and he is looking forward to playing on the local youth basketball team this winter. So far, he is surviving third grade and having a great year!
- Sawyer loves to read! Like Payton, Sawyer is never without a book. He recently started the Harry Potter series and is enjoying them very much!
- We love you Sawyer! You make us smile, and we are very proud to be your mom and dad! We can't wait to see how God will use you and your gifts as you grow! Happy Birthday!

Happy 9th Birthday, Sawyer. Have a great day and enjoy that cookie. We love you. Grammy and Grandpop
Happy Birthday, Sawyer! Hope it is a wonderful day!
Uncle Adam, Aunt Heidi, Addison & Noah
Wow!! It does seem like you've had TONS of birthday celebrations in your household!! Tell him Happy Bday!
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