Small aside here: Do you watch "Clean House" on the Style Network? I am almost embarrassed to admit that I am totally addicted to it. I Tivo it and watch it over and over again. It's kind of like a bad accident--horrible to look it but I can't make myself look away. Do people really and truly live that way? Seriously?? (I happen to think that they probably bring junk in from the neighbors too, some of those homes are sooo bad.)
Anyway, the best part of the show is "Reveal Day" (can you hear Niecy Nash now?)--when they show what they've thrown away and how they've redone the house. Although I must admit, I always wonder how it is that they only "makeover" 2 or 3 rooms. Surely if people live with live monkeys in cages and moldy food on end tables in one room, then cleaning just that room and one other space is not going to take care of the problem, is it? Do you know what I mean??
What's that??
Oh---you wanted to know what the PRIZE was???!! Well, here you go........
Tamera was pleased as punch and I'm so happy she was happy! The above "Summer Fun" prize contained:
Latest issue of Rachael Ray's Everyday magazine
50 First Dates DVD (LOVE that movie!)
Scrabble Slam card game
Mercy Me compilation CD
3 fun and summery nail polish colors
Betty Crocker summer cookbook
2 summery dish towels
2 summery drink mixes (Watermelon Fizz and Sparkling Lemonade)
and, of course, a can of sunscreen (that I forgot to add until after I took the picture!)
all packaged in a lime green tin that will be useful in some capacity somewhere, I'm sure!
Now don't you wish you would have entered?? I may not have people knocking down my door to give stuff away on my blog (although if they knocked, I would answer!) but when I do prizes, I think they are pretty darn good, if I do say so myself! Congratulations Tamera! Happy Summer!!
I thought I was going to see your new basement! and I agree about the messiest house do they only do a few rooms??
As Jen said - I was REEEAAALLLYYY happy with my fun gifts!! The kids and I had a rousing game of Scrabble Slam last night - tons of fun (especially late at night when you kind of "create" some words!).
Thanks again, Jennifer!!
you give away the best bloggy prizes! :)
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