
I GIVE UP.......

I had such BIG blogging plans for this past week.  A new year.  A time for resolutions.  A time for fresh starts.  A time for beginning again.  A time for actually BLOGGING again.  Blech!!!!!!!

For me it was "A time for work to slam me up side the head."  Let me tell you, having two weeks off over the holidays is BLISS.  Having to make up for that "blissful" time is definitely NOT so blissful. 

So............in an effort to simply keep my head above water, I am skipping the cute clues and the contests and my sad attempts at being surreptitious.  I give up.  These are my resolutions.......

1.  No chocolate.   I have been sooo nervous about this one, I haven't even started yet.  Seriously.  Tomorrow is Day One.  My goal right now is one month with no chocolate--not a chocolate chip, not a cup of hot chocolate, not even a tootsie roll.  I will see how it goes after that.  I am told that after the first week, it's easy.  Yeah, right.  Obviously whoever said that has never had a love affair with Hershey's milk chocolate nuggets.  And please don't tell me that dark chocolate is "good" for me.  I. HATE.  IT.  Yuck!

2.  Menu planning.  I have always "loosely" planned my meals but I am really trying to be better about planning so that I can be more deliberate in my couponing/grocery shopping.  I am going to attempt to plan a month in advance.  I am NOT cooking for a month in advance.  I am not crazy (but I haven't started the chocolate withdrawal yet either....).  I am armed with my favorite new cook book and several online sites that have great tips and tools. 

3.  Read through the Bible this year.  I cannot tell you the number of times I have started this.  I have yet to accomplish it.  My paternal great grandmother read through the Bible something like 33 times.  I think I can make it through at least once.  So far, so good.  I am reading chronologically in my New Living Translation using this plan.

There you have it.  Nothing terribly earth shattering but all things that I NEED to do for me.  I am also seriously considering blogging only on Mondays and Thursdays, which is better than I've managed for the past few months!  Haven't landed on that one yet though.  

I'll keep you posted.  Now I'm off to finish up those Christmas Hershey kisses......


Jodie said...

you go, girl! you can do it!

Sandy said...

Menu planning works well in our family. I don't how I could go shopping without it. As far as the chocolate goes . . .I don't know if I would have enough will power to join your camp, although I should. More power to you.

Neecykay said...

Whoa. I admire you for giving up chocolate. (said while I am sitting here eating Nestle Crunch jingle bells...) I think the meal planning would be good for me to try. I used to be so good at my coupon grocery shopping but as I've worked more it has slipped. I pray you can accomplish your goals for this year. I love reading your blog so I hope the twice a week goal works. I've "missed" you. LOL

Anonymous said...

Do you have a chronological Bible? I got one at Christian Book Distributors (cheap!) several years ago - really like it - got it in NIV, but I know that they have several translations.

Curious as to why chocolate? Hope it goes well!!
