
Some February Linky Love

It's almost Valentine's Day so I thought it was appropriate to kick off this month of romance and passion with some linky love" for you. I have bounced hither and yon over the vast expanse of cyberspace to cull these "can't miss" links for you.  Enjoy!!

This one only requires one word:  YUM!  It will definitely be one of my offerings at our community group Superbowl party this Sunday. 

I have extolled his praises many times before.  And here's another opportunity for you to hear why he's so good.  Go quickly and get this FREE download.  I promise, you'll be glad you did.  (P.S.  If you like to listen to audio books--and I can't imagine why you wouldn't--you can sign up to get an e-mail notification about the free download for the month.)

And speaking of books, if you prefer the actual bound, turn-the-page, traditional kind of tome, you need to "bookmark" this site!  (pun intended, of course)

Unfortunately, this doesn't work with my phone, but all you iphone, blackberry, and droid users out there may find this very useful, not to mention safer, than the alternative.  Last week I was sitting at a red light and noticed the girl in the lane next to me texting while she waited.  Unfortunately for her, there was a policeman in the next lane over.  He saw her too and got out of his car, knocked on her car window, and told her to pull over.  I bet she wishes she'd known about this handy dandy free service!

If you're a listmaker, you need to "check" out this site.  (oh...the puns are plentiful!) If you can imagine a checklist, they probably have it ready to download and print!

Finally, I haven't decided if I would actually want to lug one of these around on a regular basis but, oh, have I had some fun with its giggle-inducing moniker.  Talk about pun possibilities!

1 comment:

Neecykay said...

I love the links. I really liked the one for listmakers. I love lists and can't wait to check out their site more tomorrow. Thanks! Hope you are enjoying your snow! Denise