Payton played flag football last year and did very well. Several people suggested that we allow him to play "real" football. Unfortunately, they made these suggestions when Payton was within earshot, so the endless begging began. Then, in that immortal moment of weakness, I caved.
All was well until early May when Jeff went to register Payton. Silly us, Jeff only took one check with him. However, that was only one-third of the checks we actually needed that day. The first check for $150 was for his uniform (jersey, pads, pants, etc.). The second check (which we had to send later) was another $150, which they will hold as a deposit until we return the aforementioned equipment at the end of the season. (Nothing thrills me like the thought of used pee-wee football equipment.) The third check (which we were able to order online instead) was a mere $102 for his helmet and face mask. They "threw in" the chin strap for free. Wasn't that big of them?
Then, last week we got an e-mail. Players also need "practice jerseys" ($10 each at Sports Authority), and we have to pay another $20 for an "away jersey" so they have one of a different color when they play teams who also wear green. (Still haven't figured out why the other team can't wear the different jersey?) Oh, and he needed a mouth guard and a "girdle with insert pockets" (don't ask!).
So..........then we got another e-mail. Silly me, I thought actual money was the "only" thing we'd be spending on this. I didn't realize I was basically giving up my life for my 10 year old to play football. Practice schedule is as follows: M-Th from 5:30-7:30 until August 30. After that, practice is "only" on M-W from 5:30-7:00. Games are on Saturdays. Naturally, we have cut out all other activities in which we normally engage. You know, "frivolous" things like school, homework, eating, sleeping..........
I will let you know how practice goes tonight. In another morbid twist, we picked this particular football league because they were close. Now, naturally, their practice field has been relocated and we have to take him 20 minutes farther away. Because we like nothing more than driving toward DC at rush hour.
I would love to tell you about the "discussion" we had this afternoon about whether or not Payton's "support gear" fit, but that probably wouldn't be appropriate. Suffice it to say, Payton was SURE he needed a bigger one. (All men are the same, aren't they? Even when they're boys.) And, I never thought I'd hear my husband tell our son "You better go to the bathroom before you leave. It will be really hard to go with your 'apparatus' on."
GO COUGARS!!!!!! (I think...........)

Jen, You are nominated as "Mother of the Year"!!!!! Should be an interesting (and exciting )fall!!! Keep us posted and we're very proud of you Payton! Good Luck =D
LOL, is it inappropriate of me to say I'm glad I have a daughter? :-)
He looks so grown up in that picture. Must be the traditional tough guy look! Good luck with all of this. Wouldn't you say Payton ranks 2nd in most trips to the ER with your kids? Better you than me.
You've got me laughing out loud over here!!! I FEEL YOUR PAIN - Hockey is SO expensive and we give up three nights and all Sat. am for that as well - and our season is Sept - April!! UGH!! But he looks great and he'll probably have great fun!!
Oh - and the apparatus?!?! I had my boys wearing them upside down, yup, you don't admit that everyday!!! Hey, it looked right to me!!!! I kept wondering why they said their legs were sore down there?!?!?!? Yep, I get the Mother of the Year Award.
Enjoy that football!!!!
...and THAT is why I'm desperately trying to avoid the mere mention of football - which, btw, MY 10 yo ds is DYING to play... ugh...
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