
Day 11

I'd like to introduce you to our new additions. Please meet "Very Expensive Leland Cypress' 1 through 5." Since the cemetery has been the only roadblock in selling the house (apparently, people don't appreciate quiet neighbors.), we decided to plant some trees, some very expensive trees, or did I already mention that? ahem......

Of course, the trees don't hide a thing now, but we are hopeful that only those with vivid imaginations will come look at the house and will be able to imagine those (expensive) 40-foot trees hiding that quiet, peaceful cemetery in just five short years. Of course, at the rate we're going, they may not have to use their imaginations at all. Sigh..........


The Thomsons said...

Great idea! It looks nice!

Stephanie said...

I think they look awesome! and will give webster something to pee on when he visits!

Jenn said...

I presonally would love a cemetary for a neighbor. They are pretty quiet and you can't build there.

Anonymous said...

Nice trees. Sorry that folks have an issue with your "quiet" neighbors. I would not mind the cemetery at all. I'll keep praying for God to send the right person along who will love your home and the "neighbors." Denise

Yarnin_Mama said...

The trees look really good.