Now before all you "democrats" get upset, I realize that God isn't a "republican" and all that other stuff. But, you have to admit, this IS funny! (Thanks Steph!)
Honestly, I don't think my kids would care for "redistribution" of their Halloween candy any more than I care for "redistribution" of my hard-earned money.
I like it :-) Very funny...
What(!)...you have something against spreading the wealth...how unpatriotic of you!
(written in total sarcasm!, because I am completely with you...not ready for America to become a socialist nation.)
Love it! And I happen to be a Democrat...HA!
Seriously, the idea of redistribution of the candy is the whole reason we still do the Trick-or Treat thing in our household. The kids do the work, then a percentage of the candy gets doled out to Mom. I am totally cool with socialism in my house with regard to chocolate.
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