
Pomp and Circumstance......

She did it.
She graduated.
She laughed and smiled THE. ENTIRE. TIME.
She had a blast, just as I hoped she would.
She had a wonderful evening and made some wonderful memories.
She sang like an angel-as always.
And I did not shed one tear.

Jessie, Sarah, Brooke at Baccalaureate

Brooke and Jordyn, Baccalaureate

Waiting for her turn to walk across the stage.  And smiling!

Seems like just yesterday she was three!

Congratulations from Mr. Van Ness, Headmaster

I did it!

On to Cedarville University--and amazing things for God!!

We love you Brooke. 
We are so proud of you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah for you, Brooke. It was a wonderful ceremony. I am sure you have great memories. The future looms ahead, and we are eager to see all the Lord has in store for you.
Love, Grammy